What is Functional Testing?

Functional testing looks at the bodies physiology. Specifically, they look at how the body is functioning at a molecular, tissue or organ level. These tests can be invaluable in identifying the underlying cause of your health issues e.g. hormonal, biochemical, gut flora imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and metabolic function. They can be done with your initial consultation or as a separate consult. These tests are invaluable for individuals that have already been trying many treatments with no or low progress. They make the most sense when they are reviewed with your health history; combined with the unique and accurate information provided by the tests facilitates the development of personalized and targeted health plans.


GI 360

The GI360™ Profile is a comprehensive gut microbiota DNA analysis tool. This test identifies the abundance and diversity of more than 45 targeted microbiota that research has shown to contribute to dysbiosis and other chronic disease states. The GI360™ can identify the presence of pathogenic viruses, bacteria, and parasites using technology called multiplexed, real-time PCR. Identifying microbiome imbalances, viruses, parasites or pathogenic bacteria supports a targeted personalized treatment program. Sample report.

Food Sensitivities, bloating, gas, FIT

FIT Test

The FIT Test is the most sensitive food test available. It tests 176 different foods. The test measures both IgG and Immune Complexes, the most common food-related pathways in the body. The multiple pathway approach allows you to look at not only food sensitivities but also inflammation and gut permeability all from one test. It also provides tools including an app and a personalized meal plan. Learn more.

Dutch Test

DUTCH (Dried Urine Testing for Comprehensive Hormones). Dutch testing is for people who have concerns about their hormonal health or are struggling to understand reasons for their symptoms. This test can be done from the comfort of your own home. Learn more.