Posts in Bone Health
Vitamin D : Why you may not be getting enough and how to prevent deficiency.

Vitamin D is commonly known as the sunshine vitamin. This amazing vitamin is synthesized from sunlight on our skin. In New Zealand with our long summers at our batches, the many days we spend outdoors, and lying on the beach, you wouldn't think we were susceptible to vitamin D deficiency. Commonly I hear from my clients, “I only need to expose myself for 10-20 minutes a day to get my vitamin D, right?” Unfortunately it's just not that simple, as studies estimate that almost half of the population in New Zealand have average vitamin D levels below 50 nmol/L classified as a mild deficiency, while 3-4% of people have levels lower than 17.5 nmol/L, classified as a severe deficiency. There are many ways in which you can prevent becoming deficient. Read on to find out how!

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